Today, we visited Charles Memorial Primary School. I wish I was eloquent enough to describe my feelings today but I'm not so I'll just have to try. Walking into the school, we were greeted by the students and teachers of the school. They sang and were incredibly welcoming to us. It was wonderful (a teacher thought we were from America and mentioned how great it was that us Americans were doing so much to help them but it was funny. I also love America so I didn't mind). Afterwards, I went into a couple of classes and, eventually stumbled into one with 6-7 year olds. I think it was Grade 2. I met a six year old called Asanda and she stayed with me for the rest of the day. She was very quiet but stuck to me like glue and was quite possessive of me in an adorable way. I spent the whole day with her; carrying her around, holding her hand, dancing with her. She was amazing! I even bought her an ice-cream (which she was very grateful for). I also spent time with other students. Leaving them has to be one of the hardest things I have ever done. Asanda tried to take me away to stop me from leaving and I was trying so hard not to cry and show her how upset I was. Many of the children there are orphans and they're all struggling in some way. It broke my heart. I just wanted to adopt her. I think it's one of those things that you will never truly understand until you experience it for yourself and can't explain it if you have. There were so many emotions; I was thrilled to meet the children and to get to spend time with them but leaving was heartbreaking. So many of us were crying. It was horrible! I just have to think of it as we made these children so happy for a few hours and that is amazing.
Afterwards, we went to a stadium but me and a few others just had lunch. Some of the guys went and looked around but I don't think many people were up for much after what we had just experienced.
I don't really remember dinner (Finishing writing this on Tuesday 19th February, the day after I got home) but I do remember not eating very much and just wishing I could go back to the hotel the whole time. It was a very difficult day but I'm still glad I experienced it. It was unforgettable.
I've attached two photos to this post. I'm with Asanda in both. I love her so much and I wish I could have adopted her.
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