Saturday, 9 February 2013

South Africa: Saturday

Today, we got up at 8:20AM and went down for breakfast at 9:00AM so I was glad we got to sleep in for a bit (unlike tomorrow, when we have to be down for breakfast at 6:30AM. Really looking forward to that...). After we had breakfast, we sorted through all of the clothes and donations we had brought for different sets of people (street children and students at the schools we are going to visit) into different teachers' rooms. We had a little while to 'relax' or something in our own hotel rooms. At about one, we went to the beach (which was beautiful) and then, at two, we went to meet some street children. It's awful how much these people have been through. I was listening to a twelve-year-old tell his story (his sister abused him so he and his friend walked from Istanbul to Durban. Not entirely sure if that last part's true as Istanbul is a very long way away from Durban but it's still really sad) and I felt terrible for him. No one should ever have to go through that.
We got back to the hotel after a lovely walk through the streets, at about quarter to five, had a quick drink (Tried to order Coconut water, the waiter thought I said 'coke and water' so that was fun...) then went upstairs to our rooms. I had a shower (as did everyone else in my room) then we went down to meet everyone else at about ten to seven for dinner. The restaurant we ate at was lovely but I felt a bit sick so it wasn't too great. There were also cockroaches running around...
Just got back to the hotel and I have to be up in less than five hours to go to a safari park. Going to die.
(Metaphorically, of course)

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