Sunday, 28 February 2016

Short Hair - Don't Care!

I've always been of the mindset that hair represents you as much as your choice of clothes or makeup do. 
I was raised a girly girl. I always had long, blonde hair and I loved it. It was me. 
There were two instances in my childhood where this wasn't the case and, both times, it was when my mum cut my hair. She gave me a bob when I was eight and twelve. 
Not a good look on me. 
The first time my hair was cut so short, it grew back relatively quickly. The second time, I wasn't that lucky. I had shoulder-length hair for about three years afterwards and I figured it might never grow back as long as it used to be. 
But then it did and I was thrilled. 
For a long time, I figured I wouldn't cut it short ever again. 
So I didn't. For three years. 
But 20 is a new decade and I figured it'd be a new beginning so I wanted to cut it a little shorter. 
Thing is, I didn't. It took me over a month after my birthday and one moment of near insanity (maybe clarity) to finally bite the bullet. I cut my hair myself. At 10pm on Wednesday.
I think you reach a certain point where you think 'Do I want my life to continue as it is right now or do I want to change it?' and cutting my hair is, I hope, going to be instrumental in this. 
So far, people seem to like it and I love it. 
Hopefully, this is the start of something better.


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