Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Girls Against Girls

There's always going to be something women pick on each other for. Hair, weight, style, job, lack of job, career choice... It's, unfortunately, something women do. 
Recently, Amy Schumer has been accused of 'skinny shaming' Taylor Swift. 
In my opinion, any kind of weight shaming is not okay and should be called out immediately. 
Amy is a well-known comedienne and she's done great things over the last year or so in terms of her creative projects. But the jokey comment on Instagram isn't funny due to the fact that it's a joke on Taylor Swift's slim figure. 
She comments that she made the joke about her own weight and the fact she doesn't have a thigh gap but it's not really relevant. I understand she's a fan of Taylor and that she wants to explain away her joke but it strictly wasn't funny. You can't joke about someone's weight. 
This is her original post: 
Yes, it's a flippant comment but, again, there are limits to what's alright to joke about. Weight is never one of them. Whether you're fat, thin, curvy, petite, whatever - it's never okay to make a joke at someone's expense because of it. I'm glad people are calling her out on it because no one should be exempt from being told something isn't right. 
I had to comment on the article I read a few minutes ago. This is what I put: 
That's my point here. I know it may seem as if some of us are just 'overreacting' to a joke but that's my point. Taylor may be strong enough to ignore stupid posts like this but me making the same joke to a friend or aquaintence could really upset them. 
Joking about someone's weight is NEVER okay. 
Let's get back to supporting each other. 
Congratulations on your GRAMMY's win and incredible performance, Taylor! 

In the hours since I posted this, I have found out that Amy Schumer posted a response to the anger over her skinny shaming. 

Denying any responsibility when your 'joke' has offended people just makes the whole situation worse. Regardless of what your intent might have been, laughing it off when a large amount of people were hurt by your comment makes it seem like you don't care. 
If I were to say the same thing and people got offended, I would apologize. It's the right thing to do. If people are upset because of a silly comment you made, you apologize to them for it. 
I'm all for women supporting women but I don't know if I can support Amy Schumer after this. It may be a small thing to a lot of people but I am surrounded by people who have had weight issues every day and it's not fair to them to laugh it off like it's nothing. 
We need to keep calling people out for it. This isn't okay. 

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