Sunday, 15 November 2015


'Have courage and be kind' - #Cinderella 
As I've read the articles on the #ParisAttacks, watched the videos of reporters there and found out more about the devastation in my favourite city, I've also found out about the kindness from the people in #Paris. While extremist attacks will continue, kindness will also prevail. The citizens of Paris used the hashtag #PorteOuverte to help each other and also English speaking tourists find safe places to go to. As heartbreaking and senseless as these attacks have been, love, kindness and sheer determination will always win. 
Our hearts are with you, Paris.🇫🇷 #PrayForParis #Hope #Love #Admiration #ParisJeTaime 

I'll leave you with this video of a pianist playing John Lennon's 'Imagine' in front of the theatre where so many lost their lives. 
A beautiful sentiment at a heartbreaking time. 

Tuesday, 3 November 2015


SO, I started this year with the intention of actually writing and keeping weekly updates or whatever.
Clearly, that has not happened.
But it's been a busy year. So much has happened.
I've started college, quit my job, lost friends and gained friends... I've grown up a little more.
Guys wise? Meh. I mean, I started going on dates this year was interesting... I met a really nice guy who came into my work and gave me his number. He was kind, funny, sweet and interesting but I... I don't know. I wasn't attracted to him. Not in the way that matters. So I had to let him down which felt awful. Then there was a guy whose name I won't mention ever. Gross. He was smarmy and cheesy and very sexual. He worked in a bar and he was a few years older than me (mid-twenties, I'm 19) so he wanted completely different things and I told him that but then I got a text from him later being kinda mad and I just... No thanks. Whenever I see him now, it's incredibly awkward.
I've also... Okay. My best friend moved out and her roommates are all lovely. Two girls and two guys. One of the guys has a crush on me. I've known this for a while but I've tried to brush it off as I love him as a friend. The other guy I've had a crush on since the second I met him properly. But he had a girlfriend so I never thought about it again because there was no chance it would ever happen. He recently broke up with his girlfriend because they had no future together which is a smart choice. You can't stay with someone who wants completely different things. It won't work. But, yeah, so they broke up and he found out I liked him and... We talked it through. I'm not really ready to date right now as I have so much going on and he's still in love with his ex. Then, a couple of weeks ago, we kissed but we had another couple of mature discussions about it and we agreed it shouldn't go any further.
Halloween, we spent the evening together (My best friend, the two guys and I) and he told me he wanted to get back with his ex. I was a little upset about it but we still talked it through and I wrote a song about it and we're okay now.
We talked again a couple of days later and he told me about something that had happened with his ex which had put him into a difficult position. I won't go into it but, for me, it was just another example of why they shouldn't be together and I told him that. I told him not to get back with her. I just hope he listens because I, truly, want the best for him.

In other news, I have incredible friends. Since starting college, I met a girl who makes me laugh every single day. She says dirty jokes and she's quirky and it's just hilarious when I'm with her.
I love my best friend's roommates. Love them. One is studying Journalism (I think) but she acts as well and she's so freaking talented! I saw her in 'Into The Woods' and her performance almost made me cry. The other girl is really funny. She's American and she's so smart. I want to get to know her better.
I feel like most parts of my life are going okay whereas the others aren't but that's alright. I mean, life isn't perfect. And it's how we handle the bad moments that defines who we turn out to be.
One thing's for sure though, I really want to move out. I want my independence. In order to do that though, I need to find a new job and start saving again which will be a challenge. I have an interview near the end of this month so I'm hoping it goes well.
Until then, I'll be applying to other jobs too and hoping.
Also, the reason this post is called 'Supergirl' is because I was that character for Halloween. I love Supergirl. She's awesome. Superman is my favourite superhero (tied with Grant Gustin's version of The Flash) and now that Melissa Benoist is portraying her on TV, I'm so excited! It's such a good show. Plus, I've always wanted to own the costume... I wouldn't be surprised if it comes back every Halloween/for every fancy dress party I go to...